Some women (and men) can develop a pelvic organ prolapse during their life. According to literature about half of all women who have a child will develop some degree of pelvic organ prolapse however only 1/5 will need seek help. It can also develop in people who are overweight, have a chronic respiratory condition, constipated, or due to genetics. Some women will also prolapse after a hysterectomy as the supportive structures holding their organs to their uterus are removed.
Physiotherapy can help with prolapse management by helping reduce the symptoms of your prolapse and educate you further on your prolapse. We help you exercise your pelvic floor muscles, work on proper lifting technique, discuss adequate fibre and fluid input to further help reduce your symptoms and strain on the prolapse. If you have a prolapse why not make an appointment with us today, it’s never too late to start exercising your pelvic floor muscles.